Delfina Cupini
Who am I ?
I am a clinical psychologist with international training from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the London School of Economics. I am currently completing my specialization in Psychotherapy at the International Institute of Psychopathology and Gestalt Psychotherapy in Turin, where I also obtained my master’s degree.
Over the years, I have gained significant experience in international contexts, working with both adults and children on issues related to mental health, social integration, and promoting community well-being.
In today’s extraordinarily complex era—where personal difficulties often intertwine with global challenges such as eco-climatic crises, wars, and social and economic inequalities—understanding what it means to “take care of yourself” can be a challenge in itself.
Many people feel overwhelmed by their emotions, struggle to navigate life and work challenges, or face issues with self-acceptance. Others may fear starting or maintaining romantic relationships, balancing work and family, or simply coming to terms with their identity. Each of us carries unique burdens, and it can be difficult to face them alone or feel safe sharing them with someone who truly accepts us.
Together, we can embark on a collaborative journey of self-discovery, step by step, within a space that is entirely yours—welcoming, safe, and free from judgment.
Gestalt therapy focuses on the « how » rather than the « why, » exploring the unfolding of events to automatically clarify the « whys, » emphasizing the experience of emotions and the here and now. It considers the human being in all its complexity, giving equal importance to emotional, cognitive, physical, behavioral, socio-relational, and spiritual aspects.
The main areas I focus on include: anxiety and stress management, emotional and mood difficulties, self-esteem and self-efficacy issues, relational difficulties and conflict management, work-related challenges, parenting support, queer identities, eco-anxiety, ethical non-monogamies.
Main areas of intervention
• Anxiety and stress management;
• Emotional and mood difficulties;
• Self-esteem and self-efficacy issues;
• Relational difficulties and conflict management;
• Work-related challenges;
• Parenting support;
• Academic difficulties;
• Queer identities;
• Eco-anxiety;
• Ethical non-monogamies.
Intervention techniques
• Clinical interview;
• Psychological counseling;
• Psychoeducation.
Problèmes scolaires
Echec scolaire, angoisse, problème de comportement avec les autres ou familial, anorexie, boulimie… Un enfant, un jeune peut vivre des périodes difficiles, être confronté à diverses difficultés qu’il ne pense pas pouvoir exprimer au sein de sa famille.
La maltraitance psychologique ou émotionnelle peut se définir comme toute attitude intentionnelle durablement agressive ou rejetante envers l’enfant.
Quand consulter ?
Un enfant qui ne va pas bien le dit rarement. Il n’y a que les symptômes qui révèlent le mal être de l’enfant. La psychothérapie est précisé lorsque l’enfant souffre d’un ou de plusieurs symptômes.
Quels résultats ?
La thérapie pour enfants a pour but d’aider votre enfant ou adolescent connaissant des difficultés psychologiques ou comportementales. Il se peut que votre enfant ne soit pas conscient du problème, mais que son environnement en ressente les conséquences.
La psychologue tient compte aussi bien du développement de votre enfant que du contexte dans lequel il vit. Ceci demande une méthode de travail particulière.
Nous suivons chaque enfant et adolescent en fonction de son âge, son développement et de ses difficultés.